The following is a small group resource for employing an age-stage model of developing Spirit-Empowered Disciples. Authentic Christianity can only be lived out by the help of the Spirit of God empowering us to Love Him; Live His Word; Love People; and Live His Mission. This resource kit is a great tool that can be used for small group and one-on-one discipleship relationships. Use this resource kit to help empower yourself and others to make disciples who in turn make disciples.
This resource kit includes:
8 copies of the book, 31 Days of Prayer For My Husband.
1 copy of the book, Called 2 Love Devotions for Couples.
Ten downloadable Date Night Menus with topical questions and conversations/guides around the theme of relational needs.
The downloadable Spirit-Empowered Faith set, which also includes: 40 Outcomes of a Spirit-Empowered Faith; a self-assessment tool to measure how well you are living out the 40 outcomes; and a 12-week sermon series on Spirit-empowered faith that could be used as sermons, teaching notes, a small group leaders guide, or simply supplemental material.
This resource kit includes:
CLICK HERE for a sample of this resource.